The following descriptions are available for this manuscript

  • P. Gabriel Meier, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum qui in bibliotheca monasterii Einsidlensis O.S.B. servantur. Bd. 1, Einsiedeln 1899, p. 286.
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  • Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 5, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz: Stift Einsiedeln, Genf 1943, S. 183.
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  • Codices Boethiani, A Conspectus of manuscripts of the works of Boethius II, ed. by Smith Lesley, London-Turin 2001, p. 192.
    (Additional description, currently displayed)
  • Lohr Carolus, Aristotelica Helvetica, Scrinium Friburgense (Sonderband 6), Freiburg 1994, S. 177.
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Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 315(605)
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Codices Boethiani, A Conspectus of manuscripts of the works of Boethius II, ed. by Smith Lesley, London-Turin 2001, p. 192.

Manuscript title: 2 in Isag.
Place of origin: Einsiedeln
Date of origin: s. x 2/2
Support: Parchment
Extent: i + 170 + ii pages
Format: 220 x 165 mm
Page layout: text 180 x 120 mm; 25-26 lines.
Writing and hands: Several scribes.
  • Titulus in red, extremely faded, p. 2.
  • Major initials in red, e.g., E(xpeditis) with leaf-work, p. 114.
  • Subheadings in red. Diagram of animal rationale, p. 53.
Additions: Gloss: ?Interlinear glosses or corrections to text.
Binding: s. xiv white leather on wood; one clasp (lost).
  • Pp. 2-170 2 in Isag. [Second commentary on Isagoge, CSEL, 48.] expl. imperf. V. 23 ut in specie dictum est ra<rissimae> (345/8).
Origin of the manuscript: Einsiedeln. One of a group of eighteen manuscripts written inhouse, S. x 2/2 (Bruckner, V, pp. 34-8). Title in the hand of Heinrich von Ligerz (p. 1).
  • Aristoteles Latinus, ed. G. Lacombe and L. Minio-Paluello, 3 vols, Rome, 1939; Cambridge, 1955; Bruges-Paris, 1961, 2124;
  • A. Bruckner, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica, 14 vols, Geneva, 1935-78; V, pp. 34-8, 183;
  • C. Lohr, Aristotelica Helvetica. Catalogus codicum latinorum in bibliothecis Confederationis Helveticae asservatorum quibus versiones expositionesque Aristotelis continentur, Scrinium Friburgense, 6, Fribourg, 1994, p. 177.
  • Meier, p. 286;